Updated: April 20, 2020
Since my last update, the situation surrounding COVID-19 has changed. We, as a staff, have intentionally followed these changes and have given thoughtful consideration to the best interest of our clients given the public health climate. It is a courageous and daring act to consider the collective well-being over the individual good. And we are grateful for the ways you already exemplify that in your daily lives. We, at Terra, seek to match your resolve with compassion and with clarity.
At this time, we believe it is in the best interest of our clients and our staff to move all appointments to the Telehealth platform effective immediately and extending through Friday, May 15th. We will assess the situation further in the coming weeks and make decisions about whether or not we need to extend the virtual therapy timeframe.

We understand this development may present questions or concerns for you and we want to assure you that we will endeavor to answer those questions to the best of our ability. On our end, we will change all current appointments through March 27th to Telehealth in Simple Practice. You will receive a link to your appointment via email which will allow you access from your computer, smartphone, or tablet. In preparation for your appointment, you can download the mobile app for Android and iPhone now or connect from your webcam-enabled computer. If you’d like to read more about Terra Telehealth you will find more information available here.
Any changes you desire to make can be done through the client portal. You have several options available to you:
- keep your scheduled appointments as Telehealth sessions, or
- reschedule them for a future date when you can come in person, or
- cancel sessions for the foreseeable future until in-person appointments resume.
For those of you who have children in therapy at Terra, our clinicians are primed with creative options to use virtual therapy during this unexpected transition. You’re welcome to reach out to your individual clinician for further details or to understand their individualized plan and approach for your child.
Please also stay tuned as we will be sharing via social media and our newsletter creative support mechanisms and resources to stem the tide of social isolation that can have a dramatic impact on mental well-being. We are working proactively to provide these resources.
Love is larger than the walls which shut it in.
Corrie Ten Boom – Holocoast Survivor
During this time of public health crisis, I’ve found comfort in the words of Corrie Ten Boom, a Holocaust survivor imprisoned in Ravensbruck concentration camp for her heroic efforts to help Holocaust victims escape. During her imprisonment, she is quoted as saying, “Love is larger than the walls which shut it in.” In the spirit of Corrie Ten Boom, may you see love expanding beyond the walls of fear and isolation in tangible ways. And may you be a force that brings that love to others to dissolve walls and break down barriers to connection, to hope, and to freedom.
With hope,
Amy Price, MA, LCPC
Clinical Director