This past week has been full – populated with calls from clients, colleagues, and friends wondering about the impact of COVID-19 (the coronavirus). The conversations have ranged from speculation to curiosity to fear to preparation to panic.
As Clinical Director at Terra, it is my responsibility and my passion to find thoughtful ways to support our clients through the full landscape of emotions during times of crisis. In situations that are health-related, that responsibility extends further to your physical well-being. Our goal at Terra, in light of the coronavirus, is to initiate a measured preparation response for the collective physical and emotional well-being of our clients and staff.
With that in mind, please consider the following guidelines:
You can now see your provider from the comfort of your own home by scheduling remote video sessions with your Terra practitioner through our secure client portal. We recognize that your mental well-being may be impacted by these current events and are thankful that we have an alternate modality to offer uninterrupted care.
If you are sick (or concerned about becoming sick) particularly if your symptoms resemble those of the coronavirus or Influenza, please change your appointment from an in-person session to a video session.
For Existing Appointments: If you find yourself sick, please contact your clinician or the office through the client portal secure messenger, phone or email to change the location of your appointment from an in-person to a remote video session.
For New Appointments: If you’re unwell you can schedule a new appointment as a video session selecting the Telehealth location on our secure client portal.
You will receive a link to your appointment via email which will allow you access from your computer, smartphone, or tablet. In preparation for your appointment, you can download the mobile app for Android and iPhone now.
For the sake of our other clients, during your recovery period please also follow the CDC’s recommended wait time and continue to schedule remote sessions until you’ve fully recovered and are no longer contagious.
I’m deeply grateful for the commitment you have made to your growth and healing and that you have entrusted us with that growth. Thank you. Our commitment to you is unwavering and we truly desire to honor both the emotional healing and physical protection of each of our clients.
If you have any further questions or concerns about Terra’s response to the coronavirus or about how we have derived our best practices, please let your clinician know or you may contact me directly.
On behalf of the entire Terra team, we hope you and your loved ones stay safe and healthy during this time.
With care,
Amy Price, MA, LCPC